$LIBERO description.

FLibero smart contract: (to be announced)

$fLIBERO is a ERC20 token with an elastic supply which rewards its holders with a positive rebase formula, thus creating the first AutoStaking and AutoCompouning token backed by Defi 3.0 multichain farming.


Burn Fund: 10%. Will be used to burn 1-4% of total supply every week.

Strategic partnership fund: 10% (Exchanges listing, future investors, LIBERO BNBChain and other chains cross-ownership...).

Team: 10%. Vesting 0.5% weekly (~5 months fully vested)

Marketing: 5%.

Public sale: 37.78%.

Liquidity: 20%.

ITO fee: 2%.

Mining/Bonding Incentive Fund: In case not all tokens are sold at presale, 2% will be used for holder's mining/bonding incentive program, the tokens left will be burned.

Transfer tax:

Transfer Fee: 16%

Buy & Sell Fee:

🔺Buy Fee 16% - Sell Fee: 25%

🔺Slippage: 19%-27% on SpookySwap. AutoSlippage on ThoreumExchange & DexTools

*After SpookySwap launch at 14:00 UTC today Mar 30, you can buy fLibero on:

+Fantom Thoreum Exchange: (auto slippage)

👉 https://fantom.thoreum.capital/exchange/?outputCurrency=0xc3f069d7439baf6d4d6e9478d9cc77778e62d147

+Dextools: (auto slippage)


+SpookySwap (💸 Slippage Buy 19% - Sell 27%)

👉 SpookySwap.finance/swap?outputCurrency=0xc3f069d7439baf6d4d6e9478d9cc77778e62d147

Transfer tax in details:

1. Buy Trading Fees: 16%

5% - FIT (FLibero Insurance Treasury).

4% - Liquidity Sustain.

3% - Marketing & Development Fund

2% - Black hole burn

2% - USDC for xFLIBERO Bank passive income stakers.

2. Sell Trading Fees: 20%

9% - FIT (FLibeo Insurance Treasury).

4% - Liquidity Sustain.

5% - Marketing & Development Fund

2% - Black hole burn

5% - USDC for xFLIBERO Bank passive income stakers

*Your token Double After 34.5 days by auto-compounding 2.04% Dev & Marketing Fund . So actually 0 fee if you hold long enough.

Last updated